Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

a debtor's letter

hello there, money,
my dear old friend
just a quick note
to see how you've been
it seems like we haven't
talked in a while
and i must admit
i miss your smile
i'm not too sure
why we drifted apart
but you oughtta know
you're dear to my heart
since you've been gone
life just isn't the same
maybe it was my fault
and i am to blame
so i've searched for you
both low and high
not knowing where you are
kept me up at night
i finally asked God for you one day
He said you'd return
if i but trust Him and wait
well, i've been trusting
and i haven't seen you yet
so in case you forgot,
please note my address
i'm at the end of cheap street
near broke boulevard
if you pass the big house
you've gone too far
dear money, i care not
what caused you to leave
i await your return
with no tricks up my sleeve
i'll welcome you back
with wide open arms
hold you close
and keep you from harm.
signed with all sincerity
a truly humble and expectant

--soledad evans (2008)

Monday, February 18, 2008

Don't Wanna Be

(dedicated to "certain someone")

This may sound
But I don’t wanna be
An afterthought
Thought of long after
The laughter
In your eyes

I don’t wanna be
Some last resort
But always seeming to fall short
Of your perfect ideal.

See, I’m trying to conceal
A great deal
Of the unreal
Pain I feel
As my love for you
Goes unrequited
Practically uninvited
Essentially rejected
Naked and unprotected…
…and exposed.

Yet, I don’t want the option of “us”
To be foreclosed
My soul longs to be with yours
Moving along one course
As one unsto
ppable force
With forever in view.

Baby, you and me, two
We could pass through
The stuff of life with ease
Like leaves in a soft breeze.
There’d be nothing we couldn't do…

I just don’t wanna be
Without you.

~soledad evans (2008)