Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


we are beautiful beings
blessed from birth
boasting brown skin
in shades of
burnt sienna
and beige,
brimming with brilliant ideas,
bright like light bulbs
burning overhead.
boldness and bravery
brew in our blood,
bubbling over in
blooming buoyancy,
though beset and beseiged by
billows, blasphemies and burdens.

let us labour therefore
to leave behind the
languid laziness that
we have been lambasted for.
let us laugh liberally
as we loose the linchpin
of the loathsome, lingering lie
that we cannot live
without lechery and lasciviousness.
let them look at us
and see that we are learned and learning
living life one leap of faith at a time,
leaning on the everlasting arms
of our loving Lord.

you see, we are always advancing,
with yet another aim to achieve,
a new position to attain,
accolades to be acquired,
adhering to the advice of the wise,
being alert and astute,
no acting in acrimony or
casting aspersions,
but accepting adversity
with alacrity and
the affected air
of an heir apparent
an abundant reward
after these light

oh yes, crosses and calamity will come.
but we must carry each cross
and cruise through calamity,
cool, calm and collected.
why? because we are the
creme de la creme,
the cream of the crop,
comforted by the fact that
He who led captivity captive,
the crucified Christ
came for us,
carefully considered us
and chose us,
not for our colour
or the content of our character
but to be a candle in the dark,
to change the course of human events.
it comes down to this:

the knowledgeable know that knowledge is key
so the keepers of the knowledge should be you and me.

--soledad evans (2007)

Monday, February 05, 2007

The advocate

In judgment, I stood
Condemned to die,
Devoid of defenses
Having no alibi.
My pardon denied
Nothing left to appeal.
The sentence was passed
Signed, stamped and sealed.
I stood alone,
My head hung in shame,
With nothing to argue
And no one to blame.
The crimes I'd committed
My errors, my blights
Could not be omitted
Even by things I'd done right.
Yet I opened my mouth
To make one final plea
To beg for the court
To have mercy on me.
But the Judge raised His hand
His position was firm.
My life was required
For the law that I'd spurned.
The gavel then sounded
Sealing my fate,
When a soft voice behind me,
Simply said, "Wait."
The Judge looked over
And to my surprise,
The warmest compassion
Danced in His eyes.
So I turned to see
From whence the voice had come
And came face to face
With the Judge's only Son.
He said, "Father, I know
That this wretch must die.
But I am now come
That she might have life.
There is no reason
Her blood should be shed.
So I ask that You
Take my life instead."
The Judge turned to hear
What I had to say,
But I looked at His Son
And whispered, "I have nothing to pay."
The Son sweetly smiled,
And said, "My gift is free.
All that I ask
Is that you believe in Me."
The decision was made
With the greatest of ease.
I thought just for one moment
Then dropped to my knees.
Hands stretched to Heaven,
"I believe," I cried.
The Son then walked over
To stand by my side.
"Father," He said,
Though she's come short of Your glory,
This sentence of death
Must not end her story."
The Judge looked with love
At His Son, then at me,
And said, "You should die,
But I'll show you mercy."
My mouth hung open,
Knowing not what to say,
As guards took the Son
And led Him away.
I started to protest
To put up a fight,
But He said, "It is finished,"
Then stepped out of sight.
"You are redeemed," said the Judge
"A brand new creation,
A peculiar person
From a holy nation.
No condemnation remains,
So, go. You are free.
My Son's sacrifice
Has given you liberty."

© soledad evans (2007)