Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Monday, March 06, 2006

somewhere in between

today finds me somewhere in between contentment and more than one aspect of my life.

i went on the scale on saturday evening and found out that i am 13 pounds lighter than i was at the end of january. i didn't even realize that i had dropped as much weight as that. i am now only four pounds heavier than i was when i graduated high school. thanks be to God for small achievements. and while i am happy with my accomplishments thus far (i have lost around 45lbs) and happy with the looks of approval from my parents and friends (and even from "certain someone"), i am painfully aware that i have 20 lbs to go (i was overweight in hs) it's time to increase cardio and weight training so that i don't fall into that evil plateau that all dieters get to...

yesterday was an awesome worship day. it started with my family devotion in which my father gave two prayers of thanksgiving (normally he only does one). it was just a time in which i could truly reflect on the goodness of God and let it wash over me. then at church, both services were good...the worship in the midday service was exceptional...the minister of music began playing agnus dei as a time filler, but as he played, the anointing of God descended on his fingers and it was like God Himself was playing on the keyboard...hallelujah, for the Lord God Almighty reigns...but then evening service came around, and while the worship was still wonderful, i found myself unable to participate in the communion service because my mind kept going back to "certain someone" i know that while i am not where i used to be, i still have a long way to go...

all in all i can say that i am truly thankful today. the fact that i recognize that i am somewhere in between means that i can do something about my situation...contentment and agitation both serve a purpose...i just pray that one day soon i can get to where i need to be...instead of just floating somewhere in between...


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