Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

difficult day

so, no...i have NOT contacted "certain someone," but i do miss the dickens out of him. i wish he would call me...anyways, this is for him...


i want to um...
drink you up whole
and let you invade my soul
let you reach every part
let you infect my heart.

i want to um...
walk by your side
and to, um, be your bride
and to share all your wealth
nurse you back to health.

i want to um...
support you constantly,
throughout eternity
be the wind beneath your wings
the music your heart sings.

i want to um...
be everything you need
a mother to your seed
and even when you're gone
to love you like the sun...

to love you like the sun...

to, um, love you...

© soledad evans (2005)


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