Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Thursday, February 23, 2006


on the way into the office this morning, i was listening to nonsense on the radio and reflecting on the mistakes i made yesterday...there i was pitying myself and wondering if i would ever be able to do better and be better than i am.

some crazy song came on the radio and i switched to the christian station. this is a perfect time to note that i RARELY do this. any christian music i listen to is usually on cd because i vehemently object to christian radio...but anyway, as soon as i switched i heard chris tomlin's "how great is our God." then instead of reflecting on my weaknesses and imperfections, i started to think of the greatness of God.

He is truly awesome. and to think this great God calls me His friend inspite of my weaknesses and imperfections. it's all so overwhelming. more than i can really take.

how great is our God!


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