Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Friday, June 02, 2006

the get it together month

okay, so it has been established that this is the manifest year. we are believing God that He will manifest those things in our life that we trusted Him for last year. well, recently one of the Fod Squad members announced that june would be the "get it together" month. we are halfway through the year and manifestations are not as forthcoming as we would have hoped. so it is time to get it together.

i agree. too many things in my life are spiraling out of my control and it is time that i start addressing them one by one.

1. certain someone - i am getting you out of my system, colonic style (as suggested by another God Squad member), but with less mean the world to me, but we are not meant to be and so that is that. end of the road buddy (or at least this section of the road).

2. Christian walk - get it together, haydn rhys. you have been saved for YEARS should be a more mature Christian than you are. read more, pray more and spend more time in communion with God.

3. everything else - i feel like all of the other areas of my life will begin to align themselves once the first two are properly addressed.

the get it together month is serious. i am halfway to 29, now. and 30 will be here before i know it. some things will be a-changing!

y'all pray for me!


Blogger predictablelove said... amazes me how we have so much in common. I am in the process of cleansing myself of a "certain someone" as well. Some days are definitely better than others in that regard, but I press onward! So just know, we're getting it together TOGETHER!

Friday, 02 June, 2006  

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