Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

like Christ loved the church?

(haydn rhys climbs up on a soap box and clears throat)...

the Bible commands that a man is to love his wife like Christ loved the church, no? of course! let's look at that logically. Christ, who is the second of the Trinity, came to this world in fleshly form in order to die for the sins of the world, raise up a church, keep it purified and present "her" before God as His bride. He gave His life for the church. that is His best. therefore, if we are to live according to God's command, men should be loving their wives to a point where she is given only the best because that is what Christ gave for us.

this is not a post about having a nice house or a really fancy car. this post is about how men treat their wives. in my recent jaunt into adulthood, i have seen more mistreatment of wives than i care to acknowledge. recently, one of my best friends in this world fell victim to this pandemic of wife mistreatment. the actions of her husband are not only not indicative of how Christ loved the church, but are diametrically opposed to it. as my recent posts have shown, God (and Christ, by extension) is LONG-SUFFERING. and even when we make mistakes, over and over again, He still loves us and still provides for us and still makes Himself accessible to us when we come to our senses. the husband in the aforementioned scenario, however, is not doing this. rather, he is dropping the ball on his responsibilities, turning tail and running away. imagine if Christ loved us like that. where would we be?

i know of other husbands who feed their wives insecurities about other women, by insisting on having only female friends and parading endless streams of women in front of their wives. yet, when Christ died, He made it clear that he did so only for us. it may not even have been His fleshly will, but nevertheless, His love for us caused Him to go all the way to calvary, endure the shame, and give His life. furthermore, His love is ever reassuring us that no matter what He will always be there for us, all we have to do is hold on to Him. yet, i know TOO MANY wives that are fighting like hell (if you'll excuse the expression) to rekindle relationships with husbands who are indifferent to their efforts. this should not be so! never once do we, as the bride of Christ, have to fight for His love. He loved us first!

as a single woman, the proliferation of the wife mistreatment pandemic is daunting. i won't even get into the down-low phenomenon, the incarcerated, the's enough to make you want to remain single and adopt kids (and who knows, maybe that is God's will for this single woman?). but unless, men (and here i am ONLY talking about CHRISTIAN men) are willing to obey the word of God and live by its commands, Christian women are going to find it increasingly hard to submit themselves to their husbands as we are supposed to do.

(haydn rhys steps down off soap box and tucks it away for future use).


Blogger Jan said...

Amen!!! Preach!!! Preach!!!
*waving hand and standing up*

Thursday, 13 April, 2006  

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