Intense quiet moments

disclaimer: nothing you read here should be taken seriously...

Location: Florida, United States

I'm not a wife, nor a mother...just a simple child of God trying to do His will the best way I can.

Friday, April 07, 2006

a prayer of the spiritually insane

dramatis personae

me - haydn rhys
God, Jesus, Holy Spirit - Jehovah God (the Self-Existing God)

Scene 1

(me in her room, kneeling by her bedside with contrite heart and broken spirit)

me: dear Lord and Heavenly Father--

God: (rolling eyes) here we go again... We have got to hear's me...and she's "praying". Let us see what she wants.

me: humbly now before Your awesome presence i come--

God: far so good...

me: recognising, Lord, that You are great and i am not--

God: continue...

me: once again, Lord, i have transgressed Your Word and acted contradictory to Your commands...

God: We're listening...

me: but God as much as i have messed up, i realise that while You know of my transgressions, You also know my heart.

God: We do.

me: so once again, i humbly ask for forgiveness. take not Your Holy Spirit from me.

God: We love you, me. We do. We understand that sometimes your flesh is weak and that you make mistakes, but We do know your heart. and We know that above all else you desire to please Us. You are forgiven. and We are giving you strength to continue this journey. do try not to make the same mistakes. and though, you have not asked for it, We are also providing for your needs, financial and otherwise. and for good measure, here is some favour with your bosses for that meeting you have in the morning that you have been dreading.

me: thank You, Lord, for Your mercies which are brand new with each morning.

God: they have to be because apparently you need it!

me: amen.

(me rises from her kneeling position, feeling renewed and able to concquer the world!)

God: she'll mess up again...and soon, too. but me is a woman after Our own heart. she sees her mistakes and accepts responsibility for them. We will continue to give her grace to face every new trial.



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